Sunday, April 8, 2012

Inductive or Deductive

As stated (Egan, 2004) Deductive:argument from general terms to particular conclusions,thus analytical and certain.Deduced ,or capable of being deduced,from premises.Deductive research is associated with scientific view of research.
Inductive:making empirical (i.e found on experience and observation and not theory)generalizations by observing particular instances.The conclusions go beyond the facts so they can never be more than strong possibilities.Inductive research is associated with qualitative methods (Egan, 2004).
Hence, I conclude that my research on Cutomer’s Perception Towards Retailing In Kuching’ is based on both inductive and deductive type of research.As a prove ,from literature review,i will collect data from previous related research on retailing in business,thus making an hypothesis on what do customer perceive from the retailing.This is what we call as deductive where we make first impression based on others observation.After a way of research,I would certainly will collect as many data by personal research to prove my hypothesis is true.This personal observation in the end of certain research is called as inductive.
From my topic of Cutomer’s Perception Towards Retailing In Kuching’,I have narrow down from retailing in business into what people perceived of the retailing and decided to do this project in the area of Kuching,Sarawak.This narrowed topic are make by questioning many questions related to the retailing such as what is retailing?,is it important to customer?,does it burden the customer?.

All of this research question will sort out of what actually we want to solve in business area of problem,therefore I decided to solve what are the customer perception towards the retailing channel of distribution?Do they really satisfied with the retailing kind of business?Does they feel the burden of retailing?.

1. Egan, J. (2004). Relationship Marketing(Second Edition). Harlow, England:Pearson Education Limited.

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