Sunday, April 8, 2012

Proposed Topic

Cutomer’s Perception Towards Retailing In Kuching

In today’s business we can see clearly many business firms are using retailing to sell their product or services to their customer(end-user).From here, we can see many business firms are moving their burden of cost(even for the retailer) towards end-user which is the consumer or buyer.Many consumer if being asked about price of a product, they will prefer more on cheap products.But if the retailing are placed in the middle of distribution channel from manufacturer to end-user,how can strategic price being put for the product in order to attract customers?

1. Topic Title
Cutomer’s Perception Towards Retailing In Kuching

2. Decision Statement / Problem Statement
Does the retailing burden the customer?

3. Research Objectives
(a)    to study the impact of retailing towards individual
(b)   to study the impact of retailing towards organization(business to business)
(c)    to understand the role of retailing
(d)   to study the perception of customer towards retailing

4. Research Questions
(a)    What are the perception of customer towards retailing?
(b)   What are the role of retailing?
(c)    Who is the retailer?
(d)   Does retailing were very impotant?

5. Identified variables
(i) Dependent Variable: The Retailer and Their Retailing
(ii)Independent Variable: Customer perception

6. Survey respondents
Individual,households and organization

7. Scope of your research
 The Retailer and the Individual,households and business organization in Kuching,Sarawak
This research will be an applied research which only involving in solving the problem statement , Does the retailing burden the customer?

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